Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter Solstice Blessings

As we ready ourselves for the transition to lengthening daylight, we can't help but feel thankful for all the many blessings in our life together. Preparations for our wedding keep us busy and thoroughly engaged in the vision we're creating for married life (blissful, of course!!). We've been lucky enough to enjoy developing friendships with California friends, while eagerly awaiting reunion with our east coast loved ones. Michele has undertaken a new level of kitchen mastery, exploring soups and curries and beans, all sorts of wintery dishes. Kenneth has been working diligently to create an innovative learning environment for his kindergarten charges, researching local lore and ecosystems to engage their curiosity. We're newly and deeply motivated to consider our commitment to global wellbeing, after attending an Awakening the Dreamer symposium hosted by the Pachamama Alliance ( For us this all fits in nicely with our Alexander Technique training; we're looking for ways to lighten up, in our bodies and in our footprint on the planet!
We wish you all the very merriest of seasons, with all the hopefulness the returning sun brings. By all signs, 2008 looks to be a benchmark year. To life! Love, Kenneth and Michele

Thanks for Friends

To celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we drove south to Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Parks, where we shared a cabin and fabulous meals with our friends Tim and Ela, who drove up from L.A.

What better way to appreciate our beautiful planet's amazing diversity than to walk amidst huge, ancient redwoods, admire misty treetop views, revel in rich forests?

Our thanksgiving day dinner was a spectacular feast; Tim cooked up a perfect bird. We played games and talked and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Ela and I marveled at the comraderie of the Blue Team!

October Outings

What a busy month! In addition to enjoying the beautiful East Bay weather, in early October we went to Big Basin Redwood Forest, where our campground had a resident white peacock (below). As usual, Kenneth found lots of places to run, jump, and scramble, including inside this huge redwood (left).

In mid-October, Michele's mom Leigh came to visit. We took her to see a fabulous sunset over the San Francisco Bay at Indian Rock in Berkeley (below, right).

Michele and Leigh also enjoyed a beautiful boat tour of the Bay, traveling under the Golden Gate Bridge. Check out this guy paddling around the Bay!