Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The New Year

Hi everyone--it's Michele, and I wanted to share all sorts of good things with you. Two thousand and seven has started off great! I got promoted at my awesome job to Senior Creative Consultant, and am still loving every minute of work (who'd have thought??). We've been getting oodles of PR, including an article on the front page of the business section in a local paper, with a webcast of my boss Susan demonstrating how to use hardy houseplants to create beautiful home decor items: check it out at http://www.insidebayarea.com/business/ci_5022897?source=rv.

Photograps for the SF Chronicle Article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?o=0&f=/c/a/2007/01/17/HOGRENDOMC22.DTL (top 3 photos on this page)were taken by Kenneth for Michele's cool new job, woo-hoo team work!!

Kenneth is doing awesome; after much consideration he's decided to focus on finding meaningful work to complement his study of the Alexander Technique. He just completed the Landmark Forum this past weekend, and we are jointly excited about living all-out a life we design from possibility. I'm really thrilled for him as he connects with his family and friends in compassion and love. I am happy to be back in Alexander Technique teacher training after a month's break, although I did enjoy having a bit more time over the holidays to watch episodes of Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer. Cesar is my new favorite hero... his message to dog owners, to project calm assertiveness, be in the present moment, and be consistent in your behavior is one that I think would benefit the entire human race! But mostly I'm just totally impressed with how he manages misbehaving dog owners... and gets along great with their dogs. Which, by the way, is something I'd like to experience myself by summertime. I'm having a great time fantasizing about a four-legged companion that would accompany me on walks and even to work. Ah, gotta love small businesses!!
Life is good. I send my love and wish you all wellness and prosperity in the new year.


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